im looking for

Monday, 27 September 2010

just starting out

hi guys,
new to all this blogging after deciding to create my own after years of following other wonderful blogs 
( i come in peace as beautiful alexa demonstrates )
posts about clothes, trends, shoes, celebrity fashion, food, tv, diy fashion and much more to come 
i'm looking forward to it and i hope you are too

much love slightfashionobsession

p.s i do know my address can read 'nob obsession' but i assure you it isn't like that at all


  1. Welcome to the blogsphere! We love Alexa! xxx

  2. Haha thanks for loving my blog ^^
    I'm looking forward to see some of yours!

    &Yeah 17/18 are good! But I also liked my 16th haha!
